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How to track your Chrome Web Store statistics with Google Analytics

ExtensionNinja | 3/31/2021

Chrome Web Store provides some basic statistics on how your extensions are doing on the store. But data is usually delayed at least two days and does not show the most up to date picture of the situation. You might also want to correlate install rate with your marketing campaigns or calculate conversion rate after updating description text. There is a better way to track extension statistics using Google Analytics integration.

Google Analytics integration is mentioned very casually in the Chrome Web Store extension listing section. But actually is a very important feature if you want richer statistics. Setting your own Google Analytics ID will give you page view events from your Web Store listing. Extension installation is also counted as a page view (/track_install/detail/ext/{custom-payment, free}/{ExtensionID}/{ExtensionName}).

There are a couple advantages of having Chrome Web Store statistics being sent to your Google Analytics account. First, you get real-time data on when and how people are visiting your extension listing. Secondly, you can combine Web Store statistics with data from other sources using something like Google Data Studio. For example, I have created a dashboard using Google Data Studio that lists all key indicators of my extension and a snapshot of it is automatically emailed to me every monday.

Important: Chrome Web Store only works with Universal Analytics properties. Google Analytics 4 properties will not work. One of the options is to create GA4 and Universal Analytics properties side-by-side. You can find instructions how to do it on Google Support page.

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