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Setting trader disclosure correctly in Chrome Web Store

ExtensionNinja | 7/17/2022

As an extension developer you have probably seen a new dialog in Chrome Web Store asking you to state if you are a trader or non-trader. If those terms sound confusing, you are not the only one. Read on to learn where the new regulations are coming from and how to correctly set your trader disclosure.

The Trader vs Non-trader classification requirement is coming from a new provision in “New deal for Consumers” by the European Commision. The new provision requires online marketplaces to inform consumers about the identity of a software provider on the other end of the transaction. This should help users to determine what level of consumer rights protection they should expect before installing software from the marketplace.

Chrome Web Store is adopting the new EU provision and needs to collect more information about you to correctly classify your extension listing. Generally, if you don’t have a registered business under which you distribute the extension, you are a non-trader. If you have a registered business entity then you are a trader and will need to fill-in business details in Chrome Web Store.

In theory, users should be less willing to install extensions from non-traders, because the same level of consumer protection cannot be ensured by EU consumer laws. In practice, this will have little impact because trader classification is not prominent in the Chrome Web Store and most users don’t read details.

Important: This is not legal advice. There may be a unique set of conditions that apply in your country or company type. If in doubt, consult with a licensed lawyer.

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